Initial Letter: Request for information

The initial letter politely requests transparency regarding their investment policies, their approach to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and responsible investing, and specifically, how their investments in Israeli companies align with their stated investment principles. Feel free to download our sample letter here and personalise your letter to align with your unique values.

First Letter

Secondary Letter: Request for explanation of how the Fund is holding investments that are in breach of stated ESG Policies and in companies that violate International Law

This letter showcases an example (with respect to Australian Super) of where member funds are placed and the respective exposure to companies with illegal business activities (Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories). It then requests for specific details as to how these companies have passed the Funds stated ESG criteria especially considering the list of companies are noted for their illegal activities by the United Nations, and if relevant how the Funds is directly contradicting its signatory to the UNPRI. Feel free to download a link here and personalise your letter to align with your Fund and unique values.

Second Letter

We've provided a pre-written version for your convenience
Click Here to Download