Is your Superannuation money funding Israeli war crimes against humanity?

Oppose Apartheid and stand on the right side of history!

Take action by engaging your Superannuation Fund if they invest
in companies that contribute to desecration
of international law, war crimes against humanity
and the building of illegal Israeli settlements.

What is about? seeks to inform and empower all superannuation members to ensure their Superannuation Fund investments align with ethical and moral values. In this specific case, we aim to shed light on some of the most well-documented conflict zones worldwide, notably the Israel and Palestinian conflict.

The prolonged illegal occupation and continuous marginalisation of Palestinians, along with violations of their rights, have been extensively recorded and have persisted for several decades. However, it is possible that your Superannuation funds are inadvertently supporting the Israeli apartheid regime through investments in publicly-listed or privately-held companies. To illustrate, the United Nations has identified a list of companies engaged in illegal settlement activities within the West Bank, which directly contributes to the dispossession of Palestinians by encroaching on their land—a crime condemned and in violation of international law. Your Superannuation Funds may hold investments in such companies.

Furthermore, Superannuation Funds bear a responsibility to invest your funds in alignment with their documented Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policies, as well as their Responsible Investment Charters, which are transparently presented on their official websites. As a member of the Superannuant community, you possess the right to scrutinise whether these investments correspond with the declared principles of investment and whether they comply with stated policies. Through such active engagement, Superannuation Funds and Pension Plans in New Zealand and Norway have already divested from companies associated with illegal Israeli settlements.

What can you do-practically?

Upon visiting your Superannuation Funds website, you will find a dedicated section focusing on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and Responsible Investing. This section provides an elaborate overview of the Fund's investment principles, values, criteria, and affiliations, including their commitment to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investing. has taken the initiative to draft an engagement letter for Superannuant members, serving as a valuable resource for initiating the engagement process. This letter guides Superannuant members on how to request clarity and transparency regarding their investments, as well as how to ensure that their investments align with Superannuation policies. The ultimate goal is to empower Superannuants to invest their money in harmony with their ethical, moral, and humanitarian values. It's important to note that only members of the Superannuation Funds have the greatest capacity to hold these funds accountable for their investments.

  • Step 1

    Start by composing a letter to your super fund to express your concerns. We have provided a pre-written version for your convenience, but feel free to personalise it to align with your unique values. The initial letter politely requests transparency regarding their investment policies, their approach to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and responsible investing, and specifically, how their investments in Israeli companies align with their stated investment principles. A few minutes of your time can have a significant impact, urging your fund to fulfill its ethical investment responsibilities and, on a broader scale, cease any unintended support for actions against humanity.

  • Step 2

    If your super fund does not respond to your initial letter, direct the letter to their complaints department. Superannuation Funds are legally obligated to respond to their members.

  • Step 3

    When your fund responds, it may offer a general response that doesn't directly address your request. At this point, you can inquire whether the fund is a signatory to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI). If so, request an explanation of how the Fund is managing investments in companies that potentially violate international law (UN rights office issues report on business activities related to settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory | OHCHR). Again, we have provided a sample, pre-written version for your convenience to showcase to members how they can ask direct questions pertinent to their individual circumstances and investment holdings. has compiled a list of the holdings of each superannuation fund against these companies, which can be found in “The Numbers” section of this website – use this as the basis of understanding respective exposures and tailoring your letters.

  • Step 4

    Once again, if the fund doesn't provide specific details or information about the due diligence conducted on these companies and how they align with their investment guidelines and principles, consider reaching out to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). File a complaint concerning potential ‘greenwashing’ and investments conflicting with the Fund's stated ESG guidelines and principles. AFCA independently assists members of Superannuation Funds in making and resolving complaints.

    Resolving this matter with Superannuation Funds will demand your unwavering commitment and determination.

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good people do nothing!”

We've provided a pre-written version for your convenience
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